Presentation of a collective monograph “Natur, Kultur, Lebensstil: deutschsprachige Länder vom Standpunkt ihrer touristischen Attraktivität – Nature, Culture, Lifestyle: German-speaking countries in terms of their tourist attractiveness”

On November 16, the professional and scientific staff of the Department of Foreign Languages and Country Studies presented their collective monograph “Natur, Kultur, Lebensstil: deutschsprachige Länder vom Standpunkt ihrer touristischen Attraktivität – Nature, Culture, Lifestyle: German-speaking countries in terms of their tourist attractiveness”. The collective monograph was introduced within the project «Education and Development of Competencies in Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Country Studies and Communications in Foreign Languages for Internally Displaced Persons» and with the support of the charitable foundation ‘CNEWA Canada’. The collective monograph represents Germany and German-speaking countries in terms of their tourist attractiveness. The book consists of two parts written in German and English respectively. The monograph provides information on geographical features, political structure, national symbols, economic development, art, holidays and traditions, cuisine, cultural and historical landmarks, natural attractions, and important tourist routes in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The discussion of the collective monograph involved academic staff from other departments of the Faculty of Tourism and students specializing in ‘Tourism and Recreation.’ The collective authors express sincere hopes that the monograph will prove to be useful for everyone interested in exploring the recreational and cultural potential of leading tourist countries in Europe through the knowledge of German and English languages.