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PhD (Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Country Studies |
2005 – graduated from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and pursued higher education in “Language and Literature (English)”; received a qualification of a “Philologist, Teacher of English Language and Literature, German Language and Literature”.
Work Experience:
September 2018 – present day – Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Country Studies.
2016-2018 -Assistant Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Country Studies.
2016 – successfully defended a thesis (13.00.04 – “Theory and methods of professional education”) and gained the PhD Diploma.
2009 – started a scientific research on the professional competences of the future managers of tourism.
2006-2016 – Assistant at the Department of Foreign Languages and Country Studies, Faculty of Tourism, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
Research interests: foreign language training of future tourism managers, general cultural competence, multilingualism.
1. Zhumbei M., Apelt H., Velykochyy V., Zhehus O., Filiuk S. Formation of a Strategy for Providing Customer-Oriented Tourist Services. Academy of Strategic Management Journal. Volume 18. Special Issue 1, 2019. (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104).
2. Zhumbei M., Hrytchuk H., Filiuk S., Kaplina T., Panova O. International Enterpreneurship for Innovative Management of the Development of the Hotel Business. International Journal of Enterpreneurship. Volume 24. Special Issue. 2019. (Print ISSN: 1099-9264; Online ISSN: 1939-4675)
3. Zhumbei M., Kostiuk S., Palchykova O.Formation of culture-universal competence of non-linguistic specialties students in the process of teaching the English language. Revista Espacios. 2020. Vol. 41. Issue 16. 2020. P. 22.
4. Zhumbei М.М. The impact of rural green tourism on tourism demand in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Science, Research, Development. (London, 30.10.2019-31.10.2019). №22. Warszawa, 2019. P.80-85.
5. Zhumbei M.M. The importance of communication skills in the process of foreign language competency development. An International Journal. Herald Pedagogiki. Nauka I Praktyka. №50. Warszawa, 2019. C.95-97.
6. Zhumbei M., Hrytchuk H., Filiuk S., Kaplina T., Panova O. Service Quality Evalution System as the Mechanism for Managing Tourist Enterprise Image. 34th IBIMA Conference: 13-14 November 2019, Madrid, Spain. (ISBN: 978-0-9998551-3-3)
7. Zhumbei M.M. Analysis of the Significance of the Profession of a Tour Guide. Proceedings of the ICECRS (International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies). Vol.6 (2020): Conference of Management of Islamic Education Leadership in the Era of Revolution 4.0.
(March-April 2020, ISSN: 2548-6160). Pp.228-230.
8. Zhumbei M.M. Distance learning as the alternative to traditional education in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка». Дрогобич: Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2021. С. 52-57.
9. Zhumbei M.M. Multiple Role Combination in the profession of a tour guide. Інноваційна педагогіка. 2021. Вип. 33. Т. 1. C. 50-55.
10. Yekimov S.,Nianko V., Apelt H.,Zhumbei M., Oliinyk N. Environmental management in tourism. E3S Web of Conferences 296, 05003 (2021). (eISSN: 2267-1242)
11. Bakum, Z., Savchak, I., Kostiuk , S., Zhumbei, M. & Poznanskyy, R. (2021). Cultural Component in Professional Development of Non-philological Specialties Students in the Process of Studying a Foreign Language. Arab World English Journal, 12 (4) 69-85. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awej/vol12no4.5
12. Zhumbei M.M. Analysis of the development of Ukrainian tourism in the pandemic of 2020. Zbior artykulow naukowych z Kongetencji Miedzynarodowej Naukowo-Praktycznej (on-line). (30.01.2021-Berlin). Warszawa, 2021. Pp.71-74.
13. Zhumbei M.M. Importance of training professionals of tourism in time of COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. Debats scientifiques et orientations du developpment scientifique: collection de papiers scintifiques “Logos” Alec de materiaux de la I conference scientifique et pratique internationale (Vol.4), Paris, 5 fevrier 2021. Vinnytsia- Paris: Plateforme scientifique europeenne & La Fedelta. 2021. Pp.135-136.
14. Zhumbei M.M., Kopchak L.V. Professional characteristics of a tour guide. Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka. Numer: 65. Warszawa, 2021. Pp. 56-58.
15. Chaika, O., Chahrak, N., Zhumbei, M., Apelt, H., Kopchak, L. Pedagogical framework for polymulticultural education of foreign language students seeking a degree in teaching. International Journal of Health Sciences. Vol.5 No. 3, December 2021, pp. 605-616. E-ISSN: 2550-696X, p-ISSN: 2550-6978. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v5n3.2618
16. Zhumbei M.M., Kopchak L.V. Formation of Professional Competence of Tour Guides in Modern Training Process. Innovative Pedagogy. ISS. 44. Vol. 1. Odesa, Helevetica, 2022. P. 119-123.
17. Ingram K., Diachenko O., Halytskyi O., Nitsenko V., Romaniuk V., Zhumbei M. (2022). Formalization of the optimal choice of the activities of agricultural enterprises for the implementation of information and communication technologies. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 3 (44), 141149. https: //doi.org/10.55643/ fcaptp.3.44.2022.3758
18. Tron, A., Derevianko, O., Zhumbei, M., & Shpilchak, L. (2022). Light Verb Constructions as Means of Expressing Semelfactive/Multiplicative Meanings in J.K. Rowling’s Discourse (on the basis of novels ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone’ and ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’). Amazonia Investiga, 11(50), 43-54. https://doi.org/ 10.34069/AI/2022.50.02.5
19. Kopchak, L., Zhumbei, M., Terletska, L., Konchovych, K., & Kanonik, N. (2022). The use of English as lingua franca to overcome language barriers and raise the level of education in modern conditions. Revista Eduweb, 16(3), 121–133. https://doi.org/10.46502 issn.1856-7576/ 2022.16.03.9
Works on the development of educational and methodological support of the Department of Foreign Languages and Country Studies
E-mail: marianna.zhumbei@pnu.edu.ua